Our current challenge is now closed. Join the waitlist to stay up to date on when the next challenge begins!
What’s the Finding Calm Challenge all about?
What to expect:
- 5 Challenges, 5 Days in a row
- Each Challenge takes less than 15 minutes to watch & 15 minutes to execute
- Every day, you will be invited to go LIVE with me so I can help you with your unique needs and help you get the most out of the challenge
Why this is going to work for you:
- Finding Calm is NOT one-size-fits-all. We are going to help you find what works for your unique strengths!
- I am not only going to teach you a few things, but I’m going to give you activations. I’ll take you a step beyond learning and take you through the actual experience of FINDING CALM.
- Our LIVE gatherings will allow you to ask questions and get the unique help you may need.
- There are rewards and drawings for sticking with the challenge so you have accountability and motivation from start to finish.
You might be asking, “Jenny, why are you doing this for FREE? What’s the catch?”
First, I am extremely fulfilled to help you in this particular area of life. I believe that God has asked me to share what He so lovingly guided me through. One of my life assignments is to teach, coach, and mentor people into living and working from a place of REST. This is my delight to fulfill this assignment.
Second, when this 5-Day course is over, I’ll be inviting some of you to continue with me into my Master’s Class where I will coach you through an even greater dimension of REST that is focused on building a lifestyle of REST. We will demolish anxiety and unrest once and for all.
For now, we have a Challenge to get to! It’s going to be incredible…
I am absolutely sure, if you stay engaged for 5 days, that you will be living more CALM than ever before!
Let’s go!